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Brands in a World of No Attention Spans

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It’s part of the mundane for our eyes to jump from liking a picture on Instagram to our latest text, then swiping over to a tweet and scrolling on TikTok. In a word of alerts, notifications and interactions, how we absorb information these days is through short bursts of content. Doesn’t matter if it’s B2B or B2C, it’s information overload 24/7. With our attention spans eroded to approximately eight seconds in our digital landscape, constant fragmentation is the new normal. For brands, it’s harder than ever to capture  — and hold  — attention.

More than 73% of Americans simultaneously scroll while watching TV. The shelf life of any isolated video, headline, advertisement or logo is fleeting.

Which means in a world where they’ll only give you a few seconds, your brand matters.

To break through the noise when everyone is scrolling faster today than yesterday and customer focus is splintered, brands must become (and remain) top-of-mind within their category. Today, a brand must brand with intention by positioning themselves with messaging that is equal parts engaging, trustworthy and authentic to their brand story and carrying this through every touchpoint.

Branding with intention

While a logo is an important representation of any brand — it’s not the only one. The most well-established brands understand how to intentionally integrate at every touchpoint across the consumer journey. From first look to final receipt, a detailed brand manual is vital to consistency across every touchpoint. This document holds the brand foundation for organizations to execute against – no matter the application or deliverable. 

By giving your brand a consistent shape, voice and personality, (like we did for Otherland Society Rum) the brand itself becomes a core business driver in social media campaigns, packaging and live activations. In fact, brand consistency lends itself to an estimated average revenue increase of 23%

The best way to integrate your brand into the consumer journey is through data, which gives meaningful context to marketing executions and understanding a target audience. The question we try to answer with clients in our brand discovery workshops is: How do we best use data to stand out to — and engage — your desired consumers not just today, but in the years to come? 

Visitors form an aesthetic impression of a website in as little as 50 milliseconds, the average blink of an eye is 100 to 400 milliseconds. Careful discovery draws out thoughtful, exceptional design that translates across digital and physical environments. For any message to break through, marketing and brand building efforts need to work in tandem. That’s why we constantly collaborate to help organizations empower their consumers, build trust and engrain brand cues through a consistent brand identity. Plus, we know it pays off.

Skip the good, hunt for better

Your brand sits at the intersection of marketing, business, design and culture. Navigating a paradigm shift of attention spans requires an intentional and integrated brand to truly make a statement. 

When we “reach for greatness” we’re skipping the good and hunting for better. Especially when developing, refreshing or enhancing our clients’ brands, spanning a wide array of industries.  In a world of no attention spans, we strive for our work to stand out by being forward-looking, business-sound and human-centered — one that will catch attention and leave an impression.

Want to explore a Brand Discovery Workshop? Drop us a line.