Category: Design

What is False Color?

Crayola gave we kids a limit for a reason; they wanted to prepare us for coloring things wrong. The compounding of technology continues to fulfill the prophecies of Intel’s Gordon E. Moore. And, it seems our senses are yearning to keep up. While we wait for synthetic transhumanism to hook us up with bionic cat […]

Just My Type: A Book Review

Walk into the the art/design section of any bookstore nowadays and you’re going to be met with two categories of books. I like to divide them as such: the first “How to be a designer” (very boring and typically terribly designed) and the second being “The rich and the beautiful” (well-designed books that utilize interesting […]

From MTV to ST8MNT: Finding home in Nashville

My internship at MTV in Viacom’s NYC Headquarters was intense. It was quite the shock–going from being homecoming queen at my college in Ohio to living with hundreds of other Manhattan-based interns in communal housing on the Upper East Side. There had to be a happy medium between small town USA and the Big Apple. […]

Nashville Design Bros Hit Up Minneapolis

ST8MNT represented Nashville hard at the biannual AIGA design conference this year by sending creative director Josh Newman, senior graphic designer Austin Hale and me (Mr. Aaron Rayburn) up to Minneapolis for a bit of fun. To say we had a blast is an underst8mnt. Check out our review of the 2013 AIGA HEAD HEART […]

How do you tell your brand story? Take a lesson from Jack.

ST8MNT principals Josh and Bethany Newman attended an inspiring talk by Jack Daniel’s representatives Ted Simmons and Jennifer Powell, called “The Last Time I Saw Lynchburg: How to Build a Successful Global Brand with a Single Selling Message.” Kudos to the Nashville Chamber of Commerce for putting on such a cool event, though some attendees may have […]

Wine Label Design: Creating Humble Pie

Recently we’ve had some wine and spirits packaging rolling out onto local shelves: All Purpose Shine, Short Cake, and coming soon: Humble Pie, a new cabernet from Nashville-based BNA Wine Group. With these new roll-outs, we wanted to walk you through a small snapshot of whats it like to work on these from beginning to end […]

Graphic Design Internship Available in Nashville

WANT TO INTERN AT A DOPE BRAND AGENCY IN THE SOUTH?! What a coincidence, we are currently looking for interns to join our team in Nashville! Think you have what it takes to start a career in graphic design? Build your portfolio and design skills with an internship at ST8MNT, one of Nashville’s hottest branding […]

9 Facts About Designer Parents

In todays busy world it’s hard being a new dad, especially when you’re a designer dad. If you’re like me, or any of the other new dads at ST8MNT, you will hopefully relate to this post. For me personally, I’ve had to change my design process to adapt to fatherhood. Here are some fun facts […]

Customizing WordPress with Scheduler Plugins

As part of the work that ST8MNT is doing to boost enrollment for client Nossi College of Art, we created a number of landing pages (and main-site pages) intended to drive potential students to schedule site tours. The campus is beautiful, the instructors are friendly, the admission staff is persuasive — we know that if […]


A special post by Mandy Haskins As a design student, one of the biggest deals of your academic career is your internship. Internships are a great way to gain real-world experience and prep yourself for a J-O-B. In an ideal world, you would get an internship at a place with award-winning design, a diverse portfolio […]