Category: Design

Don’t be scared, get weird.

Damn it’s always a really great junt when you get to surround yourself by 300+ brilliant designers, artists, makers, entrepreneurs, down to earth, like-minded yet unique creative individuals. I wanted to take some time to look back at the Creative Works conference in Memphis, TN a few of us at ST8MNT went to last year. […]

UX / UI / IRL / OK?

If humans (or cyborgs… it’s 2019, y’all) interact with your design, they shouldn’t need step by step instructions. It’s important to understand immediately how to use a website, navigate a festival app or how to pick out a veggie burger among the menu items at a restaurant. This post sets out to explain why all […]

It’s Hard Sometimes, But That’s Good

I haven’t been interning at ST8MNT for too long. In fact, it’s only been a couple of months and my time here is already coming to a close. I know, it makes me sad too. Still, that doesn’t mean that I’m feeling disappointed with my time here. In fact, just the opposite. I’m really happy […]

No Longer a Really Greenhorn

So you’ve graduated, maybe accumulated some awards along the way, got a little experience and are ready to enter the workforce with your new set of skills and the paper to prove it. This is going to be awesome, you think. Surely, I’ve acquired the necessary experience to get myself into a reputable position as […]

Why Branding True to Yourself is Better than Branding Like Others

So many people nowadays are looking to each other’s work to delegate how they should go about their business. While it’s helpful to be observant with how successful companies brand themselves, it’s not always the best idea to piggyback off their success. To be authentic in today’s society is a matter of life or death […]

No Struggle, No Progress

After an exhilarating and inspirational time at Creative Works Conference, we took a moment to reflect on what we took away from the speakers and their stories. There was a recurring subject circulating throughout most of the conference: the theme of conflict vs. progress. From my perspective, there are many types of conflict that creative […]

Eat Your Ego: Designing With Purpose

Everyone loves pretty design. But who cares? We designers love nothing more than showcasing beautiful designs on our Instagram, Behance, Dribbble accounts or what-have-you. Beautiful work is essential for designers; it inspires us to come up with new ideas and push visuals and new ideas to the limit. However, if these visuals aren’t paired with […]

Why Are We Still Talking About this “Line” Between Art and Design?

Well, hello there Kevin, Glenda, Frank, Patricia, whatever your name may be, I brought you here today to have you ponder over one simple question: how exactly do we define what we consider to be fine art versus “graphic design”? BOR-ING (amirite?). This question has been asked over and over and over again, and let’s […]

The Pros and Cons of Responsive Logos

It’s not news to anyone–we’re in the digital era; where the majority of information and media we see is from screens all connected through the internet. With everyone engaging through multiple screens and devices, making sure your brand’s identity can translate and maintain consistency cross platform is of the utmost importance in this day and […]

Break the Rules

Anarchy right? The system is a construct. Why are there rules to begin with? Well if there weren’t, everyone would be a designer. A lot of time that’s already the case but that’s an entirely other blog post. Design has its rules and most if not all of them will help the design process and the end […]