Author: Parker Foote

Form and Function 形式と機能

Prologue — The Universe 宇宙 The universe didn’t want me to go to Japan. At ST8MNT, employees take a sabbatical after five years of work. The idea is to travel outside of the country to experience a culture and atmosphere other than our own. Gain some world experience. Get inspired to approach creative challenges from […]

A Sign is Worth a Thousand Words

Signage always says more than a company’s brand name. The materials used, the form and shape, the placement and the size all contribute to an instant judgement that passerby make about your brand. Every physical sign is an opportunity to create something unique that leaves a lasting impression on your audience in the physical world. […]

Connect with Color

Color is a design element that leaves an impression in an instant to your entire brand audience. Some brands are very colorful and expressive, while others are neutral and more serious. Color plays an important part in brand recognition and consumer behavior, guiding people to make decisions based largely on their own subliminal perceptions. There’s […]

Riding the Wave of Neumorphism

Whether you like it or not, Neumorphism is here to stay. Neumorphism, a dimensional user interface design style, is soon to be on your phone, your web browser and in your favorite apps. Apple is embracing the trend full force for its release of iOS 14 and macOS Big Sur, adding just a touch more […]

UX / UI / IRL / OK?

If humans (or cyborgs… it’s 2019, y’all) interact with your design, they shouldn’t need step by step instructions. It’s important to understand immediately how to use a website, navigate a festival app or how to pick out a veggie burger among the menu items at a restaurant. This post sets out to explain why all […]

Eat Your Ego: Designing With Purpose

Everyone loves pretty design. But who cares? We designers love nothing more than showcasing beautiful designs on our Instagram, Behance, Dribbble accounts or what-have-you. Beautiful work is essential for designers; it inspires us to come up with new ideas and push visuals and new ideas to the limit. However, if these visuals aren’t paired with […]

2015: Our Year in Music

It’s not a secret that 2015 has been sonically sensational. Not only have we gotten to design for some incredible musicians, but we have discovered new music that will be on repeat for a long time. We’ve seen comeback albums from bands of the past, breakthrough hits new artists and ear candy from the industry’s […]