Author: Ben Fieker

Das Typography.

Hello. I’m Zach, and I’m pretty new at St8mnt. I’ve been here for about a month doing design and web development. It’s been fantastic so far! I’m very grateful for the people I get to spend my days with. We work really hard here, but try to have a lot of fun. I’ve been here […]

This Is Not A Page Turner

Okay, we’ve had the Internet. Let’s ask a question: Did the web level the genetic playing field, or are the peaks and the pits further away than ever? Let’s go back to the beginning of the technology ramp for a second. Perhaps there really were some Einsteins among rock men, but, hey, their world was […]

Meet Emily Evans: Loves Branding (and mix tapes)

Fourteen and a half days. And counting. That’s how long I’ve officially been part of the ST8MNT team. Prior to that, I took a self-imposed hiatus to walk a little trail called the Camino de Santiago…all because I’d seen this movie. Prior to that, I knew the ST8MNT team in a different capacity: at my […]

Guide to Gift Guides: 2013 Holiday Edition

This year it seems as though the holidays are approaching us at a speed unlike anything we’ve ever experienced before. The ST8MNT calendar is filling up with Christmas parties quicker than our mailbox is filling up with holiday cards (which is quick). If that’s not stressful enough, we have resolved to buy actual presents this […]

You Got Some Splainin To See

Since about 2006, the motion graphics scene has seen an anachronism in emperor’s clothes: The Explainer Video. What began as rock drawing pictographs on paleo cave walls has become the bread and butter of any young motion designer. It seems everyone has been trying to corral the genre giving names such as: Animated Business Card […]

She’s Crafty..NOT!

As I was buying Halloween supplies this week, I couldn’t help but notice the Christmas decorations were already on display, and that old familiar feeling of excitement coupled with dread washed over me. This is that time of year (holiday crafting season, duh) when I get overly optimistic about the number of crafts I am […]

What is False Color?

Crayola gave we kids a limit for a reason; they wanted to prepare us for coloring things wrong. The compounding of technology continues to fulfill the prophecies of Intel’s Gordon E. Moore. And, it seems our senses are yearning to keep up. While we wait for synthetic transhumanism to hook us up with bionic cat […]

From MTV to ST8MNT: Finding home in Nashville

My internship at MTV in Viacom’s NYC Headquarters was intense. It was quite the shock–going from being homecoming queen at my college in Ohio to living with hundreds of other Manhattan-based interns in communal housing on the Upper East Side. There had to be a happy medium between small town USA and the Big Apple. […]

Nashville Design Bros Hit Up Minneapolis

ST8MNT represented Nashville hard at the biannual AIGA design conference this year by sending creative director Josh Newman, senior graphic designer Austin Hale and me (Mr. Aaron Rayburn) up to Minneapolis for a bit of fun. To say we had a blast is an underst8mnt. Check out our review of the 2013 AIGA HEAD HEART […]


We here at ST8MNT would like to give a shout-out to our in-house motion graphics virtuoso and resident hoarder of mixed nuts, Alan Knox, for successfully getting hitched this past weekend. Here’s wishing him and the missus all the best – good luck, you crazy kids! Though, if he’s as good at marriage as he […]