Author: Ben Fieker

Piercing the Noise with Generative Art

What your consumer remembers, and talks about, is defined by the experience they’ve had with your brand. Knowing this, the industry is always angling for something new to catch the eye of the potential fan, and if all goes well, leaving a lasting impression with them. However, With the level of mass media and technology […]

Hood Rich ? ST8MNT’s On The Grid

Great news! You never have to use Trip Advisor, Yelp, Lonely Planet, Google Reviews, Eater or anything else for travel and restaurant recommendations anymore. Not knocking those sites at all (except Yelp…those people know nothing, Jon Snow). On a recent trip to Buenos Aires, I used Lonely Planet and The Guardian exclusively and the recommendations were dope, but On […]

Bored With Plain Ole Boards?

Are you bored with the plain Jane PDF brand manuals and mood boards? Yeah, us too. Static manuals just don’t cut it in the current agency landscape. Something constantly gets lost in translation, isn’t applicable, doesn’t allow for collaboration or becomes quickly outdated. This is where InVision’s Boards come into play. InVision Boards are a […]

Branding & The Art of Measuring an Identity’s Success

After all is said and done, it’s not the aesthetic complexity of a logo, or the lack thereof, that makes for the ultimate success of an identity project. We are midway through the branding process and we have now reached the most critical point. It’s time to reflect upon the original problem, review identity solutions, […]