How do you create a mixed-use development brand that’s adaptable enough to represent and define a new “downtown district” for an area? The brand system for Station Avenue in Rohnert Park, California uses graphics, colors, typography and messaging to capture the active yet laid back vibe of Sonoma County CA, that can translate across residential, retail, commercial buildings and public spaces. With multiple audiences, (commuter residents, San Francisco Bay area day-trippers, wine county tourists, and locals who might dine, shop and work there), it was key to create a brand with an authentic sense of place that’s true to the land and history, yet inspiring and flexible for the future.
The Station Avenue brand is intentionally different than the other communities surrounding California’s wine country. The logo system features a distinctive and timeless “SA” monogram set in colors which are inspired by the district’s Ag-modern architecture and native landscaping. The type pairings are inspired by the juxtaposition of reliability and discovery, representing the SMART Rail station commuters and patrons of shops and restaurants. The Retail lookbook tells the story of why Station Avenue is the perfect place to open a retail store or restaurant, through smart market data about the district and its community.