Hootenanny Games is a Nashville publisher of physical games that break the ice, share some fun, and bring on the belly laughs. ST8MNT had a ball working on the naming, package design, game piece component design + 3d modeling of the goats for play, copywriting and crafting the story. Floats McGoats is a playful game of strategy with goats, sharks, and so much more!

Scotch Old Style
Set sail with this nautical sea-faring direction. This concept embraces the backstory of bootlegging goats with a sense of playful adventure. This rustic and approachable direction is filled with a lot of personality. Inspired by Scotland to play on the name “McGoats,” it brings a lot of distinct and eye-catching patterns and details into play. Minimal linocut style imagery is used to provide a rustic and “discovered” feel.

ST8MNT took the lead in defining key elements of gameplay. One of which was the shape and size of the goats to ensure they could stack and fit in the determined box size. We also helped establish the shape and style of the board, throwing around different options based on ranges of production cost.