Tag: branding

Large-scale Branding, or, How to Build the Tallest Building on Earth

What does the branding for the Laylow Hotel in golden Waikiki, Hawaii and the current tallest building on earth, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, have in common? They both started from the ground up. They both started small. And a heck of a lot of trust was involved in seeing them both to completion. In […]

The Pros and Cons of Responsive Logos

It’s not news to anyone–we’re in the digital era; where the majority of information and media we see is from screens all connected through the internet. With everyone engaging through multiple screens and devices, making sure your brand’s identity can translate and maintain consistency cross platform is of the utmost importance in this day and […]

Break the Rules

Anarchy right? The system is a construct. Why are there rules to begin with? Well if there weren’t, everyone would be a designer. A lot of time that’s already the case but that’s an entirely other blog post. Design has its rules and most if not all of them will help the design process and the end […]

Nashville Design Bros Hit Up Minneapolis

ST8MNT represented Nashville hard at the biannual AIGA design conference this year by sending creative director Josh Newman, senior graphic designer Austin Hale and me (Mr. Aaron Rayburn) up to Minneapolis for a bit of fun. To say we had a blast is an underst8mnt. Check out our review of the 2013 AIGA HEAD HEART […]

Enjoy Your Stay: 5 Hotels With 5 Great Brands

It’s always disappointing when you’re planning your next getaway, and you come across a find with branding that spot on, but the architecture, rooms, and interior execution is not. And disappointing if its the reverse – an exceptional hotel deserving of exceptional design. Basically, gold shouldn’t be rolled in shit. So…We’ve made a list of […]

Best Corporate-Event Branding Ever

We just wrapped up one of the best jobs ever — a corporate event strategy-and-execution project for RANDA Solutions — and we can’t wait to tell you about it. RANDA had just moved into a beautiful new building in Franklin and wanted to welcome its growing employee base into the space with a team-building, culture-cultivating […]