Category: marketing

The Right Sound

Do you hear that? It’s the sound of your brand. For many, visual marketing is a familiar sight. But what about building brand recognition through sound? With the rising popularity of short video content, audiences have short attention spans – and they must be hooked quickly. The point? Don’t fear making great content, but ensure the […]

The SEO Basics

Let’s start off by defining SEO: Search Engine Optimization

Creating Digital Ad Campaign in a Competitive Market

Day in and day out we are inundated with promos. From banner ads on our web browsers to boosted posts on Instagram and daily promotional emails… like from that one website that you gave your email to for a special 10% off discount two years ago. I’m looking at you Revolve Clothing. It’s estimated that […]

When Silence Is No Longer Viable For Your Brand

When a brand finds itself caught in the crossroads of a social, cultural, or political crisis, what is the proper response? Is it a better option to ride it out and remain silent, or does a brand have some kind of responsibility to take a stand, and/or illuminate it’s position on the social issues of the day.

So… What does “Integrated” Marketing Mean?

We are assaulted at all fronts and times by a virtual symphony of advertising methods, from consumer products to social suggestions, seemingly convenient references for items we couldn’t possibly live without or ever remember not having access to.