Category: education

Tapping Into a City’s Creative Scene

Do you feel disconnected from the creative scene within your city? Want the “in” on the first steps to connecting with artists around you? You’ve come to the right place. Finding a community of creatives can really make or break your experience in the city you call home. In the best case scenario this adventure […]

Couch to Creative: Your Guide to Getting Inspired at Home

Creativity comes in waves, much like positivity, happiness and health (as most of us learned in 2020). It can be hard to stay motivated with creative tasks when your scenery looks a lot like your feet propped up in front of your TV screen. Are you ready to step back into the creative light, but […]

The Year of Introspection

It’s been a hell of a year already, hasn’t it? 2020 has changed everything and we’re exhausted, yet the pandemic still rages and we’re all just trying to hang on. In these times of stress and uncertainty it’s important not to lose hope. It’s hard to believe there will be better times when it’s not […]

It’s Hard Sometimes, But That’s Good

I haven’t been interning at ST8MNT for too long. In fact, it’s only been a couple of months and my time here is already coming to a close. I know, it makes me sad too. Still, that doesn’t mean that I’m feeling disappointed with my time here. In fact, just the opposite. I’m really happy […]

No Struggle, No Progress

After an exhilarating and inspirational time at Creative Works Conference, we took a moment to reflect on what we took away from the speakers and their stories. There was a recurring subject circulating throughout most of the conference: the theme of conflict vs. progress. From my perspective, there are many types of conflict that creative […]

This Is Not A Page Turner

Okay, we’ve had the Internet. Let’s ask a question: Did the web level the genetic playing field, or are the peaks and the pits further away than ever? Let’s go back to the beginning of the technology ramp for a second. Perhaps there really were some Einsteins among rock men, but, hey, their world was […]

Just My Type: A Book Review

Walk into the the art/design section of any bookstore nowadays and you’re going to be met with two categories of books. I like to divide them as such: the first “How to be a designer” (very boring and typically terribly designed) and the second being “The rich and the beautiful” (well-designed books that utilize interesting […]

Customizing WordPress with Scheduler Plugins

As part of the work that ST8MNT is doing to boost enrollment for client Nossi College of Art, we created a number of landing pages (and main-site pages) intended to drive potential students to schedule site tours. The campus is beautiful, the instructors are friendly, the admission staff is persuasive — we know that if […]

A Brief History of John Baldessari

I was surfing around the Atlantic last week when I stumbled on an article entitled The Man Who Burned Every Painting He Made Between 1953 and 1966. The article was a link to a 6 minute documentary of one of the most influential contemporary artists, John Baldessari. The film is a fun and informative part […]

RANDA Tower: Animation Design Behind the Scenes

We’ve cranked out another RANDA video, this time for their teacher observation product, Tower™. We stuck with the tesselated / triangulated / tangrammed / origami / low-poly style that is consistent with the brand, but decided to flex more of our 3D-ceps. Just like the imagery, we disseminated the message down to its most primitive, […]