Category: Design

You are not Your User

You are not your user is a phrase used frequently when explaining the importance of user research when working on any design project. Whether it be a website, an ad campaign, packaging design, environment design, a digital marketing campaign… The list goes on and on, but you get the idea. No matter what the project […]

Riding the Wave of Neumorphism

Whether you like it or not, Neumorphism is here to stay. Neumorphism, a dimensional user interface design style, is soon to be on your phone, your web browser and in your favorite apps. Apple is embracing the trend full force for its release of iOS 14 and macOS Big Sur, adding just a touch more […]

20 / 20 Visions

2020 is going down in the history books. It’s been a weird one. I keep thinking about how just the idea of living in the year 2020 seems so futuristic. I mean, weren’t we supposed to be traveling around space or something at this point? Obviously 2020 has been a bit different than most ever […]

Creating Digital Ad Campaign in a Competitive Market

Day in and day out we are inundated with promos. From banner ads on our web browsers to boosted posts on Instagram and daily promotional emails… like from that one website that you gave your email to for a special 10% off discount two years ago. I’m looking at you Revolve Clothing. It’s estimated that […]

Warning: Reading May Lead to Severe Illness

In the midst of a public health crisis, communication is crucial to informing the general population about ongoing risks and prevention. During the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations like the CDC and health departments have the responsibility to provide information in order to save lives and reduce the spread of illness. Visual messaging on these crises has […]

Moodboarding: 101

Let’s just go ahead and say it… Moodboarding is (among other important things) one of the MOST IMPORTANT steps in the brand building process. Your moodboard not only serves as a guiding north star for your brand, it can also be considered the foundation as to which your brand will grow and expand on. It’s […]

2020 Social Media Trends

We’ve entered a new decade that happens to be one of the most transformative times in our lives, and that comes with great responsibility.  It is time to unlearn and learn all over again.  As we are in a middle of a COVID-19 pandemic and standing up to social injustice, what better way is there […]

Brands are Like Friends

There are some friends that are fun to party with, and others that inspire us to be better. Other friends are like trusted allies, dependable in helping us through whatever life throws at us. Each friend has their own unique qualities that make us fond of them. Not all friends are friends forever, but some […]

Nostalgia Kicks us in the Rear

I remember my first concert like it was yesterday. At 12 years old, a devoted Jonas Brothers fan, I jammed out like it was the Year 3000 in an arena full of excited tweens and overzealous parents. To my dismay, the band broke up in 2013. As soon as I heard the band was getting […]