Category: Branding

When Silence Is No Longer Viable For Your Brand

When a brand finds itself caught in the crossroads of a social, cultural, or political crisis, what is the proper response? Is it a better option to ride it out and remain silent, or does a brand have some kind of responsibility to take a stand, and/or illuminate it’s position on the social issues of the day.

Moodboarding: 101

Let’s just go ahead and say it… Moodboarding is (among other important things) one of the MOST IMPORTANT steps in the brand building process. Your moodboard not only serves as a guiding north star for your brand, it can also be considered the foundation as to which your brand will grow and expand on. It’s […]

Brands are Like Friends

There are some friends that are fun to party with, and others that inspire us to be better. Other friends are like trusted allies, dependable in helping us through whatever life throws at us. Each friend has their own unique qualities that make us fond of them. Not all friends are friends forever, but some […]

Brand Partners: How To Manage Social Media During COVID-19

Marketing teams, Social Media Managers and Brand Creatives… we see you. We know that in addition to managing your own anxieties, (and family needs) the brands, to which you devote the best of your abilities, must now also navigate this crisis with your help. We know your colleagues need you; your brand partners are counting […]

Nostalgia Kicks us in the Rear

I remember my first concert like it was yesterday. At 12 years old, a devoted Jonas Brothers fan, I jammed out like it was the Year 3000 in an arena full of excited tweens and overzealous parents. To my dismay, the band broke up in 2013. As soon as I heard the band was getting […]

Leveraging Your Brand Personality

What causes a person to try a product for the first time? Why do you keep going back to that same old pizza joint? The pepperonis?! (maybe) No! It’s the PERSONALITY! That brand (whatever the service or product may be) gives off a certain energy that you connect with on a personal level. It’s a […]

Why Branding True to Yourself is Better than Branding Like Others

So many people nowadays are looking to each other’s work to delegate how they should go about their business. While it’s helpful to be observant with how successful companies brand themselves, it’s not always the best idea to piggyback off their success. To be authentic in today’s society is a matter of life or death […]

Eat Your Ego: Designing With Purpose

Everyone loves pretty design. But who cares? We designers love nothing more than showcasing beautiful designs on our Instagram, Behance, Dribbble accounts or what-have-you. Beautiful work is essential for designers; it inspires us to come up with new ideas and push visuals and new ideas to the limit. However, if these visuals aren’t paired with […]

Your Work is Your Voice

Everyone has a story. Everyone has walked a different path that has led to his or her current situation. As a creative, it takes sticking it out on an often winding and sometimes tumultuous road to figure out how to convey your voice through your work. Learning to hone in on your talents and interests […]

Large-scale Branding, or, How to Build the Tallest Building on Earth

What does the branding for the Laylow Hotel in golden Waikiki, Hawaii and the current tallest building on earth, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, have in common? They both started from the ground up. They both started small. And a heck of a lot of trust was involved in seeing them both to completion. In […]