Author: Jin Kim

Breaking Free of Fear

Everyone feels fear. It’s something we all face. Some fears that businesses or brands face to stay relevant in the time are the fear of evolving technology, rebranding or starting anew, and the fear of failing or disappointing their audience. Confronting these fears and moving past your comfort zones is vital in your personal and […]

A Look Back at 2020 Logo Trends

As we look back on the past year, with one horrifying news story after another, it’s no surprise that the creative industry had a strong and drastic reaction to the events surrounding them. 2020 created a new world – a world dominated by Zoom, FaceTime, and other tech companies accelerating their presence in everyone’s lives. […]

The Year of Introspection

It’s been a hell of a year already, hasn’t it? 2020 has changed everything and we’re exhausted, yet the pandemic still rages and we’re all just trying to hang on. In these times of stress and uncertainty it’s important not to lose hope. It’s hard to believe there will be better times when it’s not […]

How Design Has Perpetuated Racism

Graphic design can often be seen as a reflection of the times and we live in a society where racism has been prevalent since the beginning of our history. So, is it surprising that design has been discriminatory in the past? America has what you would call institutional racism prevalent in our society, which means […]

Why Branding True to Yourself is Better than Branding Like Others

So many people nowadays are looking to each other’s work to delegate how they should go about their business. While it’s helpful to be observant with how successful companies brand themselves, it’s not always the best idea to piggyback off their success. To be authentic in today’s society is a matter of life or death […]

No Struggle, No Progress

After an exhilarating and inspirational time at Creative Works Conference, we took a moment to reflect on what we took away from the speakers and their stories. There was a recurring subject circulating throughout most of the conference: the theme of conflict vs. progress. From my perspective, there are many types of conflict that creative […]

The Pros and Cons of Responsive Logos

It’s not news to anyone–we’re in the digital era; where the majority of information and media we see is from screens all connected through the internet. With everyone engaging through multiple screens and devices, making sure your brand’s identity can translate and maintain consistency cross platform is of the utmost importance in this day and […]