Author: Ben Fieker

ADHD kids are always the most at the party!

Josh Shearon found this hella rad video on Swiss-Miss’s design blog and showed it to me. We thought it was so rad that we had to repost it. Swiss-Miss’s blog is pretty sweet, she’s way better at letting the world know what’s up then we are. You should RSS her site RIGHT NOW! Everything she likes and […]

The Contributor – Nashville’s Only Street Newspaper

This past Saturday ST8MNT as a whole attended AIGA Nashville’s ThinkTank conference. Speakers like Jessica Hiesch (Daily Drop Cap /, Sean Adams (Adams & Morioka), and Jina Bolton (Sushi & Robots) all gave us some insight into their worlds of design. While we were collectively inspired by all of the designers – Local Nashvillian […]


St8mnt 2010 DEMO from st8mnt on Vimeo. So since we haven’t posted to the blog in over a month we thought we’d treat you guys with a little somethin’ somthin’ for the middle of the week! We posted a spankin new demo reel on our website. It includes work from the 2010 CMT Music Awards, […]


  So in this years annual “You are so Nashville if…” issue of the the Scene, the winner David Anthony won with this little piece of gold; “Your city flooded and all you got was a lousy T-shirt.” While we might be the butt of that joke, we know it’s simply a joke, and WE […]

A-Tron Ties the Knot!

Fellow ST8MNT designer, Aaron Rayburn, will be married this Saturday to the lucky Lauren Brownlee. Best wishes to the Rayburns and Happy 4th!

Nashville Flood Relief T-Shirts

Josh’s good friend at texaSUS design had a sweet idea to use her design skills for good and not evil. Since floods suck, texaSUS is donating 100% of the profit to help Nashville’s rehabilitation from the flood. St8mnt helped make the online store and decided to throw some designs up to help the cause. You […]

Painter of Light dot com

Since it’s not Friday anymore, there needs to be a post to clear out all the euro-tash’ness. This isn’t by far anything new, but today I bring to you Brandon Bird. It’s a bunch of sick Neo-Pop-Art-Dork-Culture paintings. And if Christopher Walken building an artificial life-form doesn’t do it for you…. BOOM! Bea Arthur, the […]

Techno Fridays

Fridays here at ST8MNT we like to shake things up musically with a little European inspired Heart pounding EuroBeat Techno. Gotta love that synth Distortion. ¡Makes me wanna go play some Fütböl! We think you to should have a EuroTrashTechno Friday too: Cascada Pandora Station


ST8MNT is proud to win a gold ADDY for our self promotion ST8MNT Open House Poster, and a silver ADDY for our self promotion ST8MNTDemo Reel. Our Open House Poster also won a Judges Favorite award! “A Poster I would put up in my office if I received it in the mail, and would leave up.” – Arlo […]