
The Morning Hangover

The Morning Hangover vertical logo in the color melon with a purple and orange duo tone photo of a concert in the background


The Morning Hangover is a daily “tip sheet” that keeps the fan in the know on all things country music. With a huge subscriber list and plans for growth of the publication, it was time to tap ST8MNT to develop a full brand system primed for the excitement ahead. Song releases, music videos, upcoming concerts, undiscovered artists, playlist suggestions: this is the place for all of your latest country news straight to your inbox each day. Never gossip, never lies, always exciting. Rediscover your love for country each and every morning with The Morning Hangover.

A mood board of images put together to create the overall feeling of the TMH brand. Includes bold purples and oranges, gritty duotones, and bold typography.
A list of brand attributes.
Explanation of the typography used by The Morning Hangover. The subhead reads,
The Morning Hangover brand color palette. The main palette consists of 3 colors; Buzzing Purple, Glowing Orange, and Electric Melon. The secondary palette consists of red, yellow, light blue, charcoal, and white.

Logo system

The 4 different orange and purple TMH logos. There is a vertical logo, a horizontal logo, a crest, and a monogram.
Main Brand Logos
Sub logos for The Morning Hangover
Sub-Brand Logos were developed to further segment the content focus and lay the groundwork for sub channel growth.


A geometric pattern created by lines of orange records with yellow triangles filling in the negative space against a purple background.
A geometric pattern created by lines of purple records and with orange and yellow triangles filling in the negative spaces.


Examples of different duotone color combinations and textures, using mostly TMH brand colors of melon, orange, and purple.
Main Brand Textures
The colors and textures associated with each sub-brand of TMH. Discovery Spotlight is purple, Country Christmas is light aqua, New Music Friday is orange, Country Classics is melon, Woman Crush Wednesday is bright yellow, and Tailgate Watch is red.
Sub-Brand Textures
A square bandana with a pattern made up of lines of purple records and a melon colored border around the outside of the bandana.
Small pins with The Morning Hangover record logo on them. One pin is purple with an orange record and the other is orange with a melon record..
The top of the home page on The Morning Hangover's website. Includes the main TMH logo and a purple and orange duotone photo of a concert in the background.
A melon colored mug with The Morning Hangover logo
A melon colored t-shirt with a small TMH record logo
The Morning Hangover vertical logo in the color melon with a purple and orange duo tone photo of a concert in the background
A gif showing the different types of The Morning Hangover emails on iPhones. The emails include Discover Spotlight, New Music Friday, Woman Crush Wednesday, and Tailgate Watch
A gif of The Morning Hangover email scrolling through an iPhone against a purple and orange textured background