Category: Social Distancing

The Year of Introspection

It’s been a hell of a year already, hasn’t it? 2020 has changed everything and we’re exhausted, yet the pandemic still rages and we’re all just trying to hang on. In these times of stress and uncertainty it’s important not to lose hope. It’s hard to believe there will be better times when it’s not […]

Warning: Reading May Lead to Severe Illness

In the midst of a public health crisis, communication is crucial to informing the general population about ongoing risks and prevention. During the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations like the CDC and health departments have the responsibility to provide information in order to save lives and reduce the spread of illness. Visual messaging on these crises has […]

Rebels’ Advice On How To Stay Connected

We spend most of our time at work interacting with our co-workers, and for most of us, it’s our main source of social interactions with other human beings. Well, this was before we were disrupted by COVID-19 and sent to work from home for the foreseeable future. It’s a rough time for so many of […]