Category: babies

9 Facts About Designer Parents

In todays busy world it’s hard being a new dad, especially when you’re a designer dad. If you’re like me, or any of the other new dads at ST8MNT, you will hopefully relate to this post. For me personally, I’ve had to change my design process to adapt to fatherhood. Here are some fun facts […]

Mo’ ST8MNT Babies Mo’ Problems

2 ST8MNT designers (Austin and Aaron) just had two little girls about one week apart. Welcome to the world Ella Rowe Hale and Esme Brighton Rayburn. (pictured above, Esme on the left and Ella on the right) Names beginning with the letter ‘E’ must be trending or something. Erin and Austin’s lil’ hale-ion (pronounced ˈheɪl […]