SHEA icon in white


Southeast Hydrogen Energy Alliance

Southeast Hydrogen Energy Alliance

Also known as SHEA (Shey-uh)

When the Tennessee Hydrogen Business Council approached us with their vision of establishing a cutting-edge hydrogen knowledge base, our primary objective was to develop a brand that is not only informative and innovative but also accessible and engaging.

SHEA was formed when the Tennessee team decided to expand their reach across the entire Southeast region. We chose the descriptor ‘Alliance’ to reflect the collaborative efforts of the Southeast states, highlighting a positive and unified vision.

Image of wind turbines inside the SHEA icon

Who is SHEA?

SHEA stands at the forefront of the hydrogen movement in the Southeast region of the United States. This organization drives commerce and innovation, increases education and enables change, propelling the region towards a more sustainable and prosperous era. This is the journey to illuminate the hydrogen horizon and pioneer a greener world.


Segmented Messaging

To effectively communicate SHEA’s mission and vision, we developed tailored messaging strategies for diverse target audiences. Each segment received carefully crafted messages designed to resonate with their unique perspectives and interests, ensuring a cohesive and impactful narrative across all platforms.

key messaging for policymakers, investors and hydrogen users. Each segment has a headline and paragraph with targeted messaging.
key messaging for educators, innovators and general public. Each segment has a headline and paragraph with targeted messaging.
"Central Statement At SHEA, we believe in the boundless potential of hydrogen energy to shape a brighter, greener future for all. Our mission is to build understanding and knowledge, facilitate innovation and collaboration, and initiate the adoption of the hydrogen movement in the Southeast. We are leading the charge towards a world powered by clean energy, creating a sustainable legacy for generations to come. Today, we build the infrastructure for a hydrogen-powered tomorrow." "mission statement: Our mission is to empower the Southeast to embrace a hydrogen future through SHEA’s commitment to drive innovation, amplify education, enable change and adoption, and accelerate the critical process of decarbonization." "vision statement: Our vision is to position the Southeast as an epicenter for hydrogen advancements. We see the Southeast with the lowest carbon footprint in the United States. We aspire to build an inclusive community that thrives on boundless potential of hydrogen energy."

Tone of Voice

We established a tone of voice that is confident yet approachable, reflecting the organization’s commitment to being a leading resource in hydrogen energy while remaining accessible to a broad audience. Our tone embodies the following key characteristics:

optimistic, innovative, educational, inclusive, visionary, confident, professional

A drop of innovation.
A world of possibilities.

visual identity

While we were establishing a strong messaging foundation, we were simultaneously working on a visual identity to match the values and goals of SHEA. we focused on incorporating imagery of nature and Southeastern landscapes to evoke a sense of place and environmental stewardship. The typography is bold and clean, designed to be both modern and accessible, while the bright color palette adds a vibrant and dynamic energy to the brand. We wanted to create an icon that would represent the process of creating hydrogen fuel in an abstract way. This visual direction ensures that SHEA’s identity is both striking and memorable, resonating with diverse audiences and reinforcing its commitment to innovation and sustainability.

moodboard that features a bright color palette, nature inspired, photography, iconic logomarks, and bold typography
anatomy of the logo explained: "the logotype and acronym use a modern typeface with an approachable and dynamic feel. We modified the acronym by connecting the E and the A. A water droplet is used as the arm of the E. The icon shows droplets pulling apart, a nod to the hydrogen fuel cell process. This also creates a winding road through the center of the icon."
SHEA logo system including word mark, logomark and icons
example of SHEA swag— a t shirt, stainless steel water bottle, eco friendly pens, and a tote bag

Brand Guide Examples

Once the visual direction is established, we create a brand guide that outlines the standards and guidelines for maintaining a consistent and cohesive brand identity.

example of brand guide pages including table of contents, attributes, logos, typography, and color palette

Website Design

The SHEA website was designed to be the premier destination for all things related to hydrogen energy. Our primary goal was to create a comprehensive resource hub where industry professionals, policy makers, and the general public can access the latest news, research, and developments in the hydrogen sector.

To achieve this, we structured the website to include dedicated sections for news updates, in-depth resources, and networking opportunities. Additionally, we incorporated educational content tailored to the general public, explaining what hydrogen is, its benefits, and its various applications in an engaging and accessible manner. The website’s user-friendly design ensures easy navigation, making it an invaluable tool for anyone interested in hydrogen energy.

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a laptop displaying the homepage of the SHEA site
SHEA website mobile comps

All Inclusive Resource

Users can find up-to-date articles, engaging webinars, and relevant news links that keep them informed about the latest trends and advancements in hydrogen energy.

The hydrogen resources page for the SHEA site on both desktop and mobile

Hydrogen 101

For those who may not know anything about hydrogen or hydrogen fuel, we’ve included a Hydrogen 101 page that teaches all the basics from creation of hydrogen fuel to some of the many end uses.

a scrolling gif of the Hydrogen 101 page
SHEA website featuring the About Us, News, and Foundation pages

SHEA Membership

The SHEA website also features an exclusive membership section designed to provide added value to those who sign up. Members gain access to a wealth of exclusive resources, including in-depth insights, specialized reports, and the latest research in the hydrogen energy sector.

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Image of person holding a phone, with the SHEA welcome email visible on the screen. The SHEA icon logo is in the top right corner.

Welcome Email

When a member signs up, they will receive an automated email welcoming them to the organization. There is also a PDF guide on how to benefit from their new SHEA membership.

SHEA website login and sign up pages

a screenshot of the membership levels page on the SHEA website

images of mobile phones with linkedin posts created for SHEA

Social Media

An important piece of this brand is communicating to new potential members. Each month, we create unique hydrogen highlights for SHEA to post on their LinkedIn account.

A grid of posts created for the SHEA team to post on LinkedIn
Video Shoot

We needed to include a way for some of the core members of the SHEA team to communicate directly to their audience, with such a complex topic. With Reactor Media’s help, we filmed and edited two videos: the SHEA Mission video and Hydrogen 101 video.

behind the scenes images of the SHEA video shoot

SHEA Mission Video

Still shots from the SHEA mission video created to showcase the main values and mission of the SHEA organization

Hydrogen 101

grid of stills from the Hydrogen 101 video shot for SHEA
SHEA monogram logo laid over an image of a road and lakes

Fueling a brighter, greener tomorrow.