Event branding that’s so 80s it will make a grown man cry
ST8MNT had a “rad” time branding the 51st Annual Nashville American Advertising Awards as ‘The Raddys.’ Our design direction was 80s icons as a unique approach to the era. And we were given creative license to go all out!

Over 400 members of Nashville’s advertising community gathered to get it popping like bubble yum and honor the year’s best advertising work.

We put on our Swatch watches, favorite pair of Jordans; and when the night was over, nobody wondered where the beef was.
Introducing The Raddys
Print collateral including a postcard, save the date, invitation, and a fold-out poster established The Raddys branding and promoted the event as an unmissable night.

The dawn of the digital age in your best Miami Vice Power Suit. Don’t forget the gold chain.
The digital campaign, inspired by the era’s video games and digital progression, served as a promotional reinforcement to the campaign.
Banner ads, social media profile headers and an email campaign kept the event on the minds of the desired audience.

A most excellent night
From the presentation of the catered dinner, to the table identification system, nostalgia took over the night – which was all part of ST8MNT’s plan. Guests of the event received one of the 42 buttons that corresponded with a table sign as they arrived to lead them to their organization’s respective table.

Our branding efforts embraced the quirks of the era’s design and production processes.